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Frequently Asked Questions About Tree Services

Smoky Mountain Timber has years of experience providing professional tree care and removal for home and business owners throughout the Morristown, TN area. Read below to learn answers to some of the most common questions we hear from customers, and contact us for an estimate for tree service today.

Professional, trained arborists know how to properly maintain trees for the safety of the public and the health of the tree. Tree work should be done only by those trained and equipped to work safely in trees.

We go above and beyond to ensure that your property is completely protected during all of our tree work. We use the right equipment to remove limbs and trunks carefully. In addition, we use safety equipment and protective coverings to avoid damaging your property and surrounding structures.

Both of these are important maintenance steps for healthy trees. Trimming is the process of removing damaged and dead limbs to maintain good health. Pruning focuses on cutting back branches and limbs and shaping the tree to encourage new growth.

Both of these are critical maintenance steps that add a host of benefits, including aesthetic appeal, healthy growth, and improved safety by removing dangerous limbs.

Trimming and pruning frequency depends on the type of tree. But usually, trimming should be done twice a year, and pruning should be done once a year.

Trees play a vital role in the ecosystem, so even if a tree is damaged or sick, it’s best to save it first rather than take it down. Tree removal is recommended when a tree is:

  • Dying or dead
  • Hazardous
  • Causing an obstruction
  • Crowding other trees
  • Damaged at the roots
  • Going to be replaced by a better tree
  • In the way of new construction

No. Mulch decays trees and kills them over time because it adds too much moisture to the ground.

If possible, trees should be fertilized in the dormant season or early spring.

When trees are cut down, the base of the trunk is left exposed a few inches above the ground, and the root system remains below. Our stump grinding service will grind away the stump and the root system below the surface, turning it all into tiny bits of mulch, which is a natural fertilizer for the ground.

Yes, contact Smoky Mountain Timber for an estimate on all of our tree services in Morristown, TN and surrounding counties.

An arborist is a professional tree care provider trained with advanced knowledge of trimming, pruning, fertilizing, and removal techniques that are safe for you and your property. Hiring someone who is not properly trained in this area can lead to more problems for the trees on your property down the road or allow disease and pest infestation to spread to other saplings in the area. Arborists offer solutions to save trees when possible as an alternative to cutting them down.

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Our Tree Work Is a Cut Above the Rest