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Residential and Commercial Tree Services in Morristown, TN

Whether your goal is to create space or maintain beautiful curb appeal, Smoky Mountain Timber can provide you with a variety of services to meet your outdoor tree needs. We are a licensed and insured company with years of experience in the tree industry. Our crew can examine and assess situations and offer the best and safest solution for the saplings on your property.

Choose Your Tree Services

How can we help you and your property today? View our list of services below to learn more about all of the arbor solutions we provide for homes and businesses throughout the area. If you don’t see exactly what you need, contact us, and we’re sure we can take care of any job you have for trees on your property.

Hire a Licensed and Insured Tree Expert

When it comes to trees, it’s essential to hire a seasoned professional who understands these plants and their proper care instead of just any handyman with a chainsaw who claims they know what they’re doing. Those situations tend to end poorly. Smoky Mountain Timber is a reputable licensed and insured tree company that takes the proper measures and safety precautions in every job we’re hired to complete. When you want to ensure you have the right company for the job, contact our crew.

Our Tree Work Is a Cut Above the Rest