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JCB machine removing trees

Land Clearing Is a Crucial Step When Preparing for Site Construction

When a piece of land is filled with dead plants or debris, it may pose various threats and hazards to your property and the surrounding neighborhood. Land clearing services can help you eliminate this danger.

At Smoky Mountain Timber, we make land more accessible and usable for any construction endeavor. Our land clearing and excavation services can help enhance the looks of your property and increase its value.

No project is too big or too small for us. We perform every job well to guarantee our clients’ satisfaction. This makes us one of the largest Morristown land clearing companies.

Get in touch with our professionals at Smoky Mountain Timber. We would love to hear from you and partner with you to clear your land.

What Our Land Clearing Services Can Do for You and Your Property

We have a strong commitment to quality work performed in a timely manner. Trust Smoky Mountain Timber to:

Enhance the Growth of Trees and Plants

Land clearing services help with the healthy growth of trees and plants on your land. A plot crowded with vegetation decreases the likelihood of plants surviving on it. Invasive plants, like weeds or vines, can steal nutrients and water from the trees on your land.

When the land is cleared, there is more room for plants or trees to grow. They also have better access to sunlight, nutrients, and water.

As the trees and plants on your land grow stronger and healthier, your property will look its best and become more profitable.

Improve Soil Health

Building any kind of property requires safe and stable ground. To do this, you need to remove the obstructions first. Weeds and other undesirable plant growth can contribute to soil erosion.

Land clearing does not only help with the growth of the plants; it also improves the health of the soil. When the land is cleared, the soil is redistributed evenly to prevent erosion from causing damage to the property later on.

Promote Healthier Environment

Unattended lands crowded with plants and trees provide natural shelter for pests, which increases their population. The increased risk of pest infestation can cause damage to your property. Clearing the land is recommended to eliminate the chances of nesting.

Rotten and dead wood from old stumps or fallen trees can also breed diseases. These diseases may infect other healthy plants and spread through the land and onto neighboring properties.

Overgrown lands with unwanted debris can also attract termites and similar infestations. They can severely damage the long-term health, appearance, and profitability of the land. Land clearing is an environmentally friendly solution to ensure a healthier property.

Decrease Chances of Fire

When land is overgrown and cluttered, there is a much higher risk of fire. The thick undergrowth, dead plants, and rotting tree stumps can make the start and spread of a wildfire more likely. It threatens the surrounding areas, potentially leading to loss of life.

A fire can also bring extreme damage to your property, which decreases the value of the land. To prevent these threats from occurring, clearing bushes and debris should be done to protect the structures on your property. It is a crucial aspect of any fire safety plan.

Experience & Expertise

No matter what your excavation needs may be, Smoky Mountain Timber can get the job done for you. We have the experience and equipment to take on any project, big or small. Our local knowledge ensures that we can help you accomplish your goals with the least amount of disturbance to the environment.

Our expertise of timely, in-budget performance and safety records continues to build a long list of satisfied clients, including individuals, universities, municipalities, and private sectors.

Our Tree Work Is a Cut Above the Rest